Polish Londoner

These are the thoughts and moods of a born Londoner who is proud of his Polish roots.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Suemas Milne versus Dominic Cummings

There is only one person who could be the backroom architect of a temporary caretaker government to challenge the current no deal Brexit juggernaut. That one person is Suemas Milne, the ex Communist strategic guru. He alone could convince Jeremy Corbyn to allow the formation of a temporary cross-party coalition to replace the current no deal with either a vote of no confidence followed by an extension of the Brexit date and a call for a general election, or else a vote in support of a negotiated exit based on a customs union solution. The latter was the nearest option to command a majority in the House when moved by Kenneth Clarke in March and could still get the most support.
Arch Remainers like the Tory rebels, Lib Dems and the SNP could be kept on side in that coalition by being offered cabinet appointments and a free vote on a second referendum.
Milne should be just as ruthless and single minded as his opposite number in the Tory government, Dominic Cummings. If Milne declines this role for ideological reasons then there will be no soft Brexit coalition at all, no successful vote of no confidence and we will have the horror of a no deal Brexit on October 31st

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