Polish Londoner

These are the thoughts and moods of a born Londoner who is proud of his Polish roots.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

100 year security defence pact with Ukraine

Dear Editor, I have no doubt that Keir Starmer was sincere in offering Ukraine an imaginative 100 year security defence pact, but, as you mention in your front page headline, "the UK army now 'too small' to play a major peacekeeping role in Ukraine" (17.01.2025), and his major material assistance is help with some future artillery shells and a Danish mobile air defence system, which is, as usual, too little, too late. The UK promises and Ukraine bleeds. It was ever thus. The Ukrainians know their history. It is a worrying mirror image of the Anglo-Polish defence pact in 1939 which brought the UK into the Second World War, while Poland was bled dry, with its population massacred, cities destroyed and independence sacrificed. General Beck and other members of the German General Staff were ready to organize a coup against Hitler as they expected France and Britain to honour the treaty with Poland and invade Germany from the West while it was still engaged in the war in Poland. However, in the end, Britain supported Poland with a shower of airborne leaflets over Germany and Hitler remained in power to set the whole continent of Europe on fire. Yours faithfully, Wiktor Moszczynski Flat 88 Isambard Court, Paddlers Avenue, Brentford TW8 8FP, tel 07786471833 Letter to The i Paper

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